Our Core Values

The Law Office of Edgar Lopez is more than just a legal practice. We are your dedicated and unwavering legal advocate, committed to standing by your side from the very beginning of your case until its successful resolution. With our strong expertise and unwavering determination, we will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome for you. Trust us to be your staunch legal ally throughout your entire journey.

What We DO

Our Practice Areas

Personal Injury

The law can be complicated and uncertain at times. Whether you were recently in a vehicle accident or involved in a personal injury, we are here to fight for you the entire way.

Civil Litigation

Our skilled team of civil defense attorneys is here to protect your interests in civil litigation, employing proactive defense strategies and resolving legal challenges with precision and expertise.


With our busy lives, planning for the future is almost never at the forefront. However, it is important to do it to ensure your family is properly taken care of for the future. Our experience with litigation and disputes has shown us that there are many unexpected turns in life. Estate planning is our ability to plan for the future even when we have those unexpected turns.

Small Business Support

Many times small businesses can find it difficult to comply with legal standards. Whether that is setting up a legal entity, ensuring limitation of liability to potential claims, or whether the business is already entangled in a conflict, we are here for you. Growing up as a son of a family owned small business, Mr. Lopez understands what it is to run a small business and the needs of a small business.

Give us a call

Attorney Edgar Lopez

Edgar Lopez grew up in Los Angeles County before moving to Beaumont in 2005 with his family. After graduating from Beaumont High School he attended Cal State San Bernardino where he received his undergraduate degree in Political Science.

He then attended California Western School of Law in San Diego where he received his law degree.

He has worked for small and large law firms practicing personal injury, civil defense, and estate planning. His main focus is to be a zealous advocate for his clients.

El abogado Edgar Lopez habla español con fluidez.

What we do

Our Practice Areas

Personal Injury

Our experienced personal injury lawyers are dedicated to fighting for justice on your behalf, seeking maximum compensation for your injuries, and providing compassionate support throughout the process.

Civil Defense

Our skilled team of civil defense attorneys is here to protect your interests in civil litigation, employing proactive defense strategies and resolving legal challenges with precision and expertise.

Estate Planning

Secure your legacy and ensure your wishes are carried out with our effective estate planning services, offering customized solutions tailored to your unique needs and goals.

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